20 Alternative DIY Christmas Tree Ideas

18 / 20 Look for a small chalkboard at a craft store and draw a Christmas tree on the board. Put it on a shelf and place items such as pine cones and evergreen branches at the base to add holiday cheer to any room.

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Chalkboard Tree

Look for a small chalkboard at a craft store and draw a Christmas tree on the board. Put it on a shelf and place items such as pine cones and evergreen branches at the base to add holiday cheer to any room.

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Upside-Down Tree

This alternative Christmas tree will take some planning, but when completed it certainly makes a statement. And toddlers and cats can’t get at it! Find out if Christmas trees are toxic to cats.

Take precautions when hanging it to make sure it won’t come crashing down on anything breakable. Hanging your tree like this will keep your ornaments safe from pets, and it frees up more floor space for gifts. Store your Christmas tree properly after removing it from the ceiling.

