SPOILER omg...Spencer how could you! - General Hospital

I cant believe he gave Ace to Nicholas to run away with, that is monstrous and cold-hearted. Whether he thinks Esme is lying or whatever, he had no right to give Ace away to Nicholas to run away with, I hope he really suffers repercussions from this one. Even Trina is going to be upset

I can’t believe he gave Ace to Nicholas to run away with, that is monstrous and cold-hearted. Whether he thinks Esme is lying or whatever, he had no right to give Ace away to Nicholas to run away with, I hope he really suffers repercussions from this one. Even Trina is going to be upset with him about this.


I only caught a piece of the show late & didn’t understand. Going to catch later on hulu. But WHAT…WHY???

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No! I’m not spoiling anything for you! That’s why I put spoiler so go eat something and wait until later! :laughing:

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It struck me funny that Nik called Esme a bad or unfit mother. Yes, we all know Esme evil past, but we see how she is with Ace. Now that her memory is back…who knows. Nik should NEVER have custody of Ace.


It makes no sense that Spencer just gave Ace to Nik. It goes against Spencer’s obsession with Ace. Heck, Spencer was crazed when Esme and Ace moved down the street. Now Spencer will have no idea where in the world (literally, the entire world) Ace will be living.
My best guess is that this is the writer’s way of explaining Spencer’s absence (actor leaving to film movie). Perhaps, Spencer will leave to hunt down Nik and Ace. Would have made more sense if Nik just kidnapped Ace without Spencer’s assistance and blessing.


That is really odd … as mad as Spencer is - and has been - at Nik, just giving him Ace makes absolutely NO sense.


I wonder when he’s found if he’ll be SORAS’d?


Ive been a Sprina fan and want Esme to pay for what she did to Trina, Joss and Cam, but I’m off the Sprina train, especially if Trina goes along with him. I’m waiting for her reaction.

Spencer committed multiple felonies. Aiding a kidnapping, aiding a fugitive and maybe child endangerment. He deserves a long stint in prison.

And I hope Trina dumps him for this. She deserves better than a lazy dude still living with grandma and guilty of multiple felonies.

And i say this as someone who can’t stand Esme. Shes still the baby’s mom.

And he allowed Ace to be kidnapped 10 minutes after saying shes a good mom.

Rot in jail Spencer.


That is Spencer and that is what he does


Omg I tuned out last week but this is gonna make me start watching episodes again because what the… I can’t stand Spencer and I hope this lands him in PRISONNNN. He doesn’t deserve Paris with Trina. Poor Esme.


I was hoping Laura would walk in while Nicholas was holding Ace.


I loved all the emotion in the scenes between Nik and Spencer, as well as Ace’s immediate attachment to Nik. But I didn’t think Spencer would go along with the kidnapping, even if he believes Esme’s memory has returned. This is too bizarre. I guess they’re setting up something to explain Nick Chavez’s absence while he works on his other project, because I never believed Spencer and Trina would really end up going to Paris together.


So his absence means he’ll be out looking for his father and Ace? I don’t like this storyline so much more could have been done besides this. Even though she’s made people suffer it’s going to be awful seeing Esme suffering all these months not knowing where her baby is.


If ever I wasn’t sure of Spencer & Dex being brothers, I’m sure now. They are both stupid idiots! Spencer hands over Ace to his rotten father (and now her baby gets to grow up with his mom?), and Dex agrees to kill Cyrus ((and only stops because Sonny cancels the order). Courtney is probably rolling over in her grave. I only hope Trina & Joss dump them both - they are so not worth it.

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Well … If Sonny canceled the order Dex did have to abide by it. But maybe Dex and Spencer are the doofus brothers!

I couldn’t care less about Esme so Team Spencer and Nik!! :joy: :joy: :joy:

I’m happy Ace is gone. Cute actor but completely pointless character!


Esme better call the cops if shes going to jail spencer will be in a cell to


I haven’t watched this episode due to weather but thumbs up to Spencer if he really did give baby Ace to Nicolas.
Now he and Trina can go to Paris and leave Ace’s care to papa Nicolas. It’s a smart move. Let Nicolas and Esme battle it out. Spencer at this point thinks that Esme has her memories back so who does he trust more Esme or his dad Nicolas with Ace? No way would he give back Ace to his so called lovable mom Esme after the Trina incident. She’s still lying & keeping secrets. Old self Esme would & will use Ace to her own ends. (The writers love this type of baby drama for us fans)
Laura can’t be trusted with Ace because she’s siding with Esme & is too easily deceived (remember St. Laura thread-) by many IMO. Laura needs to wake up and smell the BS of both Esme and son Nicolas but unfortunately they’ve made her character into a gullible person so I’m siding with Spencer and Nicolas on this one.
I like how the writers are going with this storyline. How else can they make old Esme return to true form but by taking away her baby. So it’s begun… here we go again. No Nell so now we have Esme.
Everyone will be picking sides on this issue now that Carly Vs Nina is getting monotonous.
(Not feeling the love for Esme being a good mother right now- subject to change as the storyline evolves. Will see what happens) Just me thoughts. :grinning: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Its disgusting what he did . There is no excuse , Nik has done way worse than esme ever did and spencer hated his father for a while now because he is a lousy father . but hey he just handed over his little brother who he claims he loves and wants to protect??? ace loves his mother and esme loves her son, spencer and nik are way way more in trouble than esme is .And the more trina hangs out with spencer she is becoming more and more unlikeable. I know its a soap but my goodness if stuff like this happens in real life , is awful when mothers get separated from their children , especially in this way.Esme is a good mother , nik has proven he is a bad lousy father.Shame on spencer.


