Betty/Daniel - Ugly Betty -'s Message Board

Hi ya guys: But uhmm I am wondering if this particular topic has been broached yet. Who is rooting for Daniel & Betty to end up as uhmmm a couple? I am, I am. I just feel the both of them have this human factor that would make them so perefct couple wise granted both

:slight_smile: Hi ya guys:

But uhmm I am wondering if this particular topic has been broached yet.

Who is rooting for Daniel & Betty to end up as uhmmm a couple?

I am, I am. I just feel the both of them have this human factor that would make them so perefct couple wise granted both live in different worlds so to speak.

Anyone else?


That would be an odd combination given that the characters are so totally different. Daniel is rich and sophisticated, while Betty is frumpy and slightly reserved. I love America (who portrays Betty) she’s so sweet. I’ve been hooked on the show from day one. It’s one of the few shows that entertains the viewer while getting the idea across. :))

Just cant see it happening in real life. Don’t want to see it on the show either.

Sure, why not? They’re obviously friends. So, if things turn romantic b/w them in a couple of years, it wouldn’t be hard to believe since they started out as friends to begin with. I don’t see why it’s unrealistic.

BTW, I’m getting a great laugh out of Daniel and Sofia. That’s supposed to be a “real” relationship? Funny. Poor Daniel – he doesn’t even realize he’s finally being played.

I do when Henry’s not around. Henry’s so adorable that I usually root for these two.

let me tell you a secret they will end up together!!! :))

I hope that isn’t a spoiler, Aleska. :slight_smile: We don’t want to spoil things for the rest of the members!

