Are Young & Restless' Adam and Chelsea Getting Back Together?

Young & Restless sometimes likes to zig when we think its for sure gonna zag, but the latest clue as to where Adams story is headed genuinely threw us for a loop! Adam and Chelsea have had, as is to be expected, totally different reactions and approaches to dealing with the diagnosis of Connors OCD.

Young & Restless sometimes likes to zig when we think it’s for sure gonna zag, but the latest clue as to where Adam’s story is headed genuinely threw us for a loop!

Adam and Chelsea have had, as is to be expected, totally different reactions and approaches to dealing with the diagnosis of Connor’s OCD. The revelation that he was suffering from trauma they may have been responsible for was even more shattering and sent each of them spiraling in their own way. The result: some very challenging co-parenting.
Adam Chelsea Y&R

Yep, Chelsea and Adam have clashed over and over again, and at times it hasn’t been pretty. But you know what they say — there’s a fine line between love and hate.

It’s that line that may be coming into play once again as “Chadam’s” most recent clash — an extended showdown at Adam’s apartment following a video call with Connor — ended with Adam holding Chelsea in his arms.

You’re thinking, “Come on, it was just a supportive hug,” and perhaps that would be true in real-life, but on a soap opera, commiseration often draws two characters together and leads them down a path involving something more.

Of course, Adam is back with Sally, and Chelsea is involved with Billy, but couples are constantly facing hurdles on soaps — that’s where the drama comes in.

Where Adam and Chelsea are concerned, they’ve been spending an increasing amount of time together without their significant others, and this was the first we’ve seen them back in each other’s arms in eons. One simply cannot discount the possibility that the writers intend to play with the idea of rekindling the spark between these exes.
Melissa Claire Egan, Mark Grossman

We’re sure Connor would love to come home to a reunited family, but how would Young & Restless fans feel about a “Chadam” do-over?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments after taking a look back on Adam Newman’s loves in the gallery below.

